Ask Alexis | How to Break Into the Nonprofit Sector

Today's Ask Alexis column is in response to a job seeker who is looking to break into the nonprofit sector without starting at the ground level. If you’re in the same boat, here are our tips for making the switch!
Dear Alexis,
I am in a period of transition. I am moving to Raleigh, NC to be closer to family. I have worked in the private sector my whole adult working life (11 years!) and am now realizing that I need more fulfillment in my career, and I want to do meaningful and helpful work for our society.
My biggest struggle is that I do not have a professional or educational background in nonprofit work or education, or anything of the sort. I studied Spanish in college (I have a bachelor's degree) and have been working in the realm of commodities trading for the last few years.
How do I make this transition when I am not technically qualified for a nonprofit job that is higher than entry level?
Thank you.
Hello Mimi,
Thank you for your question. I’d like to allay your concerns about finding a job at a nonprofit simply because you have not worked at one before. The skills needed for many jobs at for-profits are also necessary at nonprofits, and in many cases, the job functions are the same regardless of the sector.
For example, nonprofits need accountants, marketing managers, communications professionals, customer service support, and finance managers just as much as for-profit companies do.
While there are degrees geared toward nonprofit management, it’s not necessary to obtain one in order to secure a nonprofit job. The main thing is to ensure that you tailor your applications to the job you are seeking. Remember that this holds true regardless of the sector! If you were looking at a job at a large corporation, you would still need to tailor your resume in order to get more than a passing glance.
Of course, just like in the corporate world, there are some jobs that require particular degrees—for example, you won’t land a CPA gig without an accounting degree or without passing the CPA exam. Similarly, most social work positions require an MSW. Other than some jobs in which an advanced degree is required, you won’t usually need a specialized nonprofit degree in order to work in the sector.
To help you in your transition, you can also do the following:
- Volunteer at organizations in the cause area you are interested in. It’s a great way to demonstrate your passion for the cause (be sure to include it on your resume) and can help you start building your network.
- Think about the type of work you want to do—what job functions do you feel equipped to take on, based on your experience?
- Write a list of your transferable skills and identify which will be most useful to a new employer in the nonprofit sector.
- Conduct informational interviews with other professionals who have made the switch between sectors..
After doing your research, you may find that you are actually more qualified than you think! Keep us posted on your progress.
To your success,
As the Associate Director of Marketing and Communications at Idealist and a lifelong nonprofit professional, Alexis offers job seekers, game changers, and do gooders actionable tips, career resources, and social-impact advice.